*takes a while to load please be patient*

→ This is a semi-action based mini game where its all about fast responses.

Story : Your city has been attacked by a demon, almost everyone is dead. You built a Robotic Armor Suit which works on plasma fuel and are trying to fight and defeat the demon with almost given up on the hope of survival.

Mood : sad , hopeless ,  given up.

Note : After dying please take a minute to appreciate the music and feel the vibe and environment of the game. I've made the music and animation of the homepage like that for that soul purpose.


  • Health Box - Appears at the top-left in red. Shows in terms of percentage. Every sustained damage takes away 25% Health of your Robotic Armor Suit. When 0% your suit stops functioning and hence you get killed.
  • Fuel Box - Appears just bellow the health box. Shows amount of plasma fuel left in your suit. Required to perform attacks.

Hint: Collect the Plasma orbs that appear around the screen.


  • Grew cursor - Is draggable. Drag to where you want your character to go to.
  • Square button - When clicked the The character teleports to the Grey cursor.
  • Circle button - Picks up Plasma orbs when in touch with the character.
  • X button - When clicked uses one bar of energy to do a blocking attack move.

     ...........................卩丨乂乇ㄥ乃卂ㄒㄒㄥ乇  ...........................

creator's comment : this is my first complete Indie Game Project.

☆◇ There's a small surprise ending to this game. ◇☆

Links :-

 • Visit my Youtube channel for music "https://www.youtube.com/@GabiBeats_0107".

 • Link to the Sound Track used - 

 • Link to updated version of Sound Track - 


PixelBattle.html 95 MB

Install instructions


Computer - No Requirements.

Phone - Minimum 8GB ram.

 Download the PixelBattle.html file and run in browser.

⚠!CLICK ON THE PAGE WHILE THE GAME LOADS!⚠ to avoid homescreen music not playing bugs.


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Its okay


Wow, graphics look great, how long did it take you to make it?



Cool game and AMAZING GRAPHICS. Love it. Just one thing, the game is kind of difficult. But I believe that if I play enough I will get the hang of it.

thanky so much for the review!!

VERY difficult controls

(3 edits)

😅this is the first time I made a complete game. So I'm really sorry. 

And I actually originally thought of making this for mobile. So, it's really difficult on pc.

Thanky for giving your time into trying it out.😊